Friday, February 8, 2013

Cecret Lake, Albion Basin

One day, I will be able to get the picture I really want in this place, but for now, I will need to settle for this one. This is a place that is just thronged with visitors when the wildflowers are in bloom. It's close enough to home that you can literally stop off here on your way home from work to check and see if the sky is right or the evening light is perfect. So far, I have never been here when the conditions are just right, but I still come away invigorated. The trail to this spot leads through meadows of wildflowers that usually catch my eye and prevent me from making it to the this point. I have seen some amazing wildlife in these meadows. I have never been here when I did not see at least one moose. That perfect scene with a moose in the wildflower filled meadow with the Devil's Castle in the background under the setting sun has so far eluded me, but there is always another day, another opportunity to enjoy the beauty this place hold in store.